Food News Page 7

This is page #7 of the Food archives.

Dairy Queen Brings Back 1990s Treatzza Pizza

Dairy Queen brings back the Treatzza Pizza and Misty Slush from the 90s., 2017-05-23

Starbucks Testing Coffee Ice Cubes at Select Locations

Starbucks is testing coffee ice at select locations. They also have a coffee ice cube recipe., 2017-05-18

Kellogg's Launches Three Jolly Rancher Pop-Tarts Flavors

Kellogg's has launched three Jolly Ranchers flavored Pop-Tarts for Summer 2017., 2017-05-16

New Oreo Flavor Waffles & Syrup Arrives

Nabisco has released another new Oreo flavor. The latest limited edition flavor is Waffles & Syrup., 2017-05-13

Firework Oreos Contain Popping Candy

Firework Oreo contains popping candy. It is the latest new Oreo flavor and will be in stores for a limited time., 2017-05-09

Taco Bell to Launch Naked Chicken Chips on May 11

Taco Bell will launch Naked Chicken Chips this week on May 11. They are served with nacho dipping sauce., 2017-05-08

Starbucks Launches New Midnight Mint Mocha Frappuccino

Starbucks has introduced a new beverage. It is the Midnight Mint Mocha Frappuccino., 2017-05-06

Ritz Launches Thin and Crispy Oven Baked Variety

Ritz launches new Thin and Crispy oven baked variety in four flavors: Sea Salt, Cream Cheese & Onion, Bacon and Salt & Vinegar., 2017-05-04

Koala's March Cookies from Lotte

Koala's March cookies have a crunchy biscuit shell and a creamy fondant inside., 2017-05-02

PinkBerry Launches Wonder Woman Flavor in Movie Tie-in

PinkBerry launches Wonder Woman flavor - Power Berry Frozen Yogurt - to tie in with the upcoming summer film release., 2017-05-02

Hostess Launches Chocolate Cake Twinkies

Hostess has launched a new Twinkie offering called Chocolate Cake Twinkies, 2017-05-01

Cow Candy is Fruit Flavored Wisconsin Cheese

Cow Candy is a new fruit-flavored cheese snack. The cheese is made in Wisconsin. Pinkie Pie and Optimus Prime are on the package covers., 2017-04-30

Parker's Maple Organic Maple Cotton Candy

Parker's Maple Organic Maple Cotton Candy is made with real cane sugar and real maple syrup., 2017-04-29

Cracker Barrel Launches Oven Baked Macaroni & Cheese Dinners

Cracker Barrel has introduced a line of Macaroni & Cheese dinners. They are sold in grocery stores nationwide., 2017-04-29

Walmart's Crotilla Combines a Croissant and Tortilla

The Crotilla form Walmart combines a Croissant and Tortilla Walmart is also trying to make National Crotilla Day a thing., 2017-04-28

Starbucks Launches Magical Unicorn Frappuccino

Starbucks to launch Magical Unicorn Frappuccino in its stores from April 19 to April 23. A very short run for a Starbucks beverage., 2017-04-18

Google Stops Google Home From Responding to Burger King Whopper Ad

Burger King is targeting Google Home devices with its new ad that asks Google Home what a Whopper is., 2017-04-12

Just Born Launches Peeps Delights

Just Born recently announced the launch of Peeps Delights a new line of marshmallow Chicks covered in chocolate or fudge., 2017-04-10

Julianne Hough, Stephen Curry and Jessica Alba Among Stars of Fruit and Veggies Campaign

FNV has multiple celebrities starring in its campaign to get people to eat fruit and vegetables. They include Julianne Hough, Stephen Curry, Jessica Alba and many others., 2017-04-08

Great Harvest Bread Offers Honey Bunnies for Easter

Great Harvest Bread has announced the return of the Honey Bunny for Easter 2017. The bunnies make a great Easter centerpiece., 2017-04-08