The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is an annual show in Las Vegas, Nevada where the hottest new tech products are put on display. Many of the products unveiled at CES will be available for purchase in the coming year.
CES 2021 from January 11-14, 2021 will be all digital due to the coronavirus.
Featured Products
MarsCat is a Robotic Pet Cat from Elephant Robotics - MarsCat is a Robotic Pet Cat from Elephant Robotics. The fully autonomous robot will be making its debut at CES 2020. It is also on Kickstarter.
Human Touch Super Nuvo Zero Gravity Massage Chair Debuted at CES 2019 - Human Touch first introduced its Super Nuvo Zero Gravity Massage Chair at CES. Now it is available as a Prime Day launch product through Amazon.
Kids Can Build Robots and More With LEGO Boost - LEGO Boost is a new type of building toy from LEGO that incorporates robotics and coding with LEGO bricks.
Elmoji is a New WowWee Robotic Coding Toy Based on Elmo - Elmo has been transformed into a robot called Elmoji. The toy from WowWee is on display at this year's Toy Fair in New York City.
Hello Egg Digital Cooking Assistant Unveiled at 2017 CES - The Hello Egg cooking assistant was unveiled at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show.
LG Unveils LG CordZero Canister Vacuum That Follows User - LG unveiled a new LG CordZero vacuum at CES 2017 with follow me technology that enables the canister to automatically follow the user.
LG Unveils Super Thin Wallpaper OLED TV at 2017 CES - LG unveiled its utlra thin wallpaper OLED TV at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show. It will cost $8,000.
Polaroid Unveils Polaroid Pop Instant Digital Camera at CES 2017 - Polaroid has unveiled its Polaroid Pop camera at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show.
Parrot Unveils Parrot Pot Intelligent Watering System at CES 2016 - Parrot unveiled its Parrot Pot intelligent water system at CES 2016. You can use it to leave your plant unattended for up to a month.
Samsung Unveils Family Hub Refrigerator at CES 2016 - Samsung unveiled its Family Hub Refrigerator at the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show. The fridge features a 21.5-inch LCD screen on the right door.
Gogoro Unveils Smartscooter at CES - Gogoro unveiled its Smartscooter at the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show.
Singtrix Karaoke Machine Includes Barry White Setting - Singtrix has unveiled a Karaoke machine that has many options, including a Barry White setting.
Sound Egg Chair on Display at CES - Acousticom showed off its Sound Egg Chair at this year's Consumer Electronics Show (CES).
Latest News
TCL Unveils Blackberry Smartphone With Keyboard at CES 2017 - A new black BlackBerry smarpthone with a qwerty keyboard at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show.
Wearable TempTraq Bluetooth Body Temperature Patch Unveiled at CES 2017 - TempTraq unveiled a wearable Bluetooth patch for monitoring body temperature at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show.
Faraday Future Unveils FF 91 to Kick Off 2017 Consumer Electronics Show - Faraday unveiled its Faraday Future electric vehicle to kick off the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show. The FF 91 goes from 0 to 60 in 2.39 seconds.
LG Unveils New Robots Including Hub Robot at CES 2017 - LG unveiled several new robots including a Hub Robot designed for home use at the 2017 Consumer Electronics Show.
Polaroid and Lady Gaga Unveil Products at CES, Including Camera Glasses - Polaroid and its Creative Director, Lady Gaga unveiled the Polaroid Grey Label, which were co-designed with Lady Gaga.