Whole Foods

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Whole Foods Market is a grocery chain owned by Amazon. Whole Foods is a certified organic national grocery store. The company's headquarters are located in Austin, Texas.

You can find the latest weekly sales flyer online at wholefoodsmarket.com. Amazon also offers featured Whole Foods deals for Prime Members - see Amazon.com.

Latest News

  • Whole Foods Announces Early Opening for Shoppers 60 and Older - Whole Foods has announced it will open it stores to shoppers 60 and older in the U.S. to give the most vulnerable to the Covid-19 a less crowded environment to shop.

  • Amazon Prime Members to Get Special Savings at Whole Foods - Amazon announced today that Amazon Prime Members will be able to get special discounts and other in-store benefits.

  • Amazon to Buy Whole Foods in Deal Worth Nearly $14 Billion - Amazon is buying Whole Foods in a deal worth $13.7 billion. It is expected to close before the end of the year.

  • Pique Tea Launches in Whole Foods Stores in Northern California - Pique Tea has arrived in Whole Foods stores in Norther California.

  • 365 by Whole Foods Market Opens in Los Angeles - A 365 by Whole Foods Market store has opened in the Los Angeles Silver Lake neighborhood.

  • 365 by Whole Foods Market Stores to Launch in 2016 - Whole Foods plans to launch a new line of stores called 365 by Whole Foods Market in 2016.

  • Whole Foods Encourages Cork Recycling - Whole Foods has partnered with Cork ReHarvest to make it easier for people to recycle corks.

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